Holistic massage for rest, ease and energy.

A close up of Deborah Aguirre Jones performing a hand massage

Holistic massage is an individual massage treatment tailored to you, following no fixed routine and attending to more than just aches and pains, with patience, purposeful contact, lots of communication and kindness.

I work in Cardiff, UK. Learn more about my qualifications and personal approach to holistic massage here.

Book Now


½ hour massage: £30

1 hour massage: £50

Bonus block; book and pay for 6 x 1 hour massage and you get a 7th free! Some of these can be gifted to people you know.

Gift vouchers are available for all of the above.


Email, text or call 07774 406862.

Or simply fill out the form below.

People Have Said...

  • "Deb is a wonderful masseuse. She is attentive and calm, and respectful of the awkwardness of taking your clothes off. She is knowledgeable about the anatomy and what might help with parts that aren’t currently working very well. Her touch is calming and firm, and remarkably she has warm hands that heat up the more she massages. It is a great treat to have a massage with her and I feel relaxed and realigned afterwards.” Hil

  • “… no pain all night and really quite comfortable this morning aaahhh! Such relief, Many thanks” Li

  • “As an optometrist I have acquired some postural back issues along with arthritis and general aging and stiffness. Deborah's massages have been a godsend, releasing muscular tensions, allowing a total bodily relaxation I cannot get elsewhere. It's like physical meditation.” Ted


I offer ½ hour, 1 hour and 1 ¼ hour massages.

On a first visit, a 10 minute consultation (included in the time and fee) gives me important information about you and your body while helping us both to plan the best massage for your needs.

Allowing for arrival, checking in, getting on and off the table, expect approximately

  • 20 to 25 minutes of massage in a half hour slot

  • 45 to 50 minutes of massage in a 1 hour slot

Respect for your modesty and privacy is important; you choose what clothing to leave on. We will discuss and agree on what is right for you. Most massage techniques work with skin contact, so a lot of clients choose to be in underwear. You will be covered at all times with a sheet apart from the area I am working on.

I leave the room while you prepare for your massage and afterwards.

Depending on the temperature outside, there will also be blankets and plenty of heating in the room which can be adapted to your preference.

I use a range of oils including a hypoallergenic water dispersible oil.

I do not use essential oils or fragrances.

Please advise me of any allergies or intolerances.

Treatments take place on the ground floor; there is a small lip at the entrance.

The toilet is up a flight of stairs.

Where needed, we offer steps and assistance to get on and off the treatment table.

Table weight capacity – 300kg (equivalent to about 4 average weight people).

Windows are frosted and curtained.

Occasionally you may hear other practitioners in the building moving about. They will not enter the massage treatment room.

I offer early evening appointments each week, by arrangement.

St Fagans St, Grangetown CF11 7LH. Plenty of on street parking 

Do get in touch with any other questions!

About me

Hi, I’m Deborah Aguirre Jones, a massage therapist based in Grangetown and East Moors, Cardiff. I trained at The Bristol College of Massage and Bodywork (BCMB) one of the most reputable massage schools in the UK, gaining a Massage Training Institute Level 4 Diploma in Holistic Massage. 

I am developing my work further through training in CranioSacral Therapy (CST) with the Upledger Institute UK. Some of these techniques are included in my treatments. CST is a clothes-on, therapy where the touch is gentle, non-invasive and usually subtle. Find out more about CST here.

Having worked for many years as a sculptor and community artist, my style and approach to bodywork incorporates 

  • Strength and sensitivity of touch

  • An ability to ‘read' and ‘listen' with my hands

  • Communication and listening skills

  • Curiosity and care towards others

  • A preference for collaboration.

I have special interests in

  • Clear communication

  • The skull and spine

  • Occupational massage; supporting optometrists and people working in dentistry

Deborah Aguirre Jones portrait

what is holistic massage?

Holistic massage is an individual massage treatment tailored to a particular client, following no fixed routine and attending to more than just aches and pains.

I have been trained in a wide range of techniques including gentle massage, stretches, mobilisation, deeper tissue work and relaxation work as well as anatomy, physiology and pathology. I combine this breadth of knowledge with information and guidance from the client; considering all of this, we plan and agree a massage treatment together.

For me, the important ingredients of a good holistic massage are patience, purposeful contact, lots of communication and kindness.

Consistently, this affects clients by

  • Bringing an experience of rest and relaxation for a period of time, so the nervous system shifts from a stress-dominated state to a rest and repair state

  • Easing muscles out of tension, reducing pain in particular areas for example around the back or shoulders

  • Allowing a reconnection with the body, bringing a sense of calm aliveness and freedom of movement

Physiologically, holistic massage can

  • interrupt habits of mind which affect posture

  • stimulate circulation so oxygen travels more freely to the musculoskeletal system and organs of the body, aiding lymphatic drainage and clearing toxins

  • reduce those stress hormones which can compromise immunity, digestion, mental focus and other systems

A person on a massage table getting a neck massage from Deborah Aguirre Jones